David Taylor Biography
QHHT - Level 2 Practitioner
North Vancouver, BC Canada
With Julia Cannon, daughter of Dolores Cannon and Head Instructor of QHHT, in Macchu Picchu Peru, May 2019, during Level 2 practitioner training
Career Prior to Soul Pathways
I have over 25 years’ experience in financial markets in Asia, the USA and Canada. I started as a Headhunter in Tokyo, working with clients like Morgan Stanley and Stryker Medical. I was then headhunted myself to work for what’s now Thomson Reuters. I was in the development and marketing of financial products including databases and asset management products. Aside from major banks, I developed new clients such as the Bank of Japan and also negotiated a contract with the Japanese government division METI (formerly MITI)where I spearheaded the first global benchmarking of the Japanese Private Equity sector. I was then transferred to Thomson’s San Francisco office where I was the West Coast representative for the US National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), working to launch Association’s first deal database. Later, I returned to Canada and formed Capital Street Group, one of the first boutique advisory brokerage firms in BC, conducting financings in the resource sector. I moved on from Capital Street Group and deregistered from the BC Securities Commission in February 2019.
My Past Prepared Me For My QHHT Career
I grew up on the North Shore mountains of Vancouver and, in 1983, at age 20, suffered a head injury in a cycling accident in the city. Initial symptoms were nominal. Then, in 1998, while living in San Francisco I started to experience tickling sensations in my face, however the specialist I saw dismissed it.
Years later, in December 2001, while on vacation, I started walking into walls. It was December 31 when I returned home and asked my Doctor to see me. As it was New Years, he opened up his practice just for me and the initial assessment was ‘benign brain tumor’ pending MRI confirmation.
In January 2002 I learnt I had developed a large, inoperable benign brain tumour, misdiagnosed by the first specialist. I had grown a Grade A egg-sized tumor inside my brain, where there was no room for such a large mass.
For treatment, the Nobel Prize-winning radiation therapy I chose wound up nearly killing me and the corticosteroids I had to take pushed my weight up.
We had moved to Gig Harbor, WA, a small fishing village, and there I started going blind. My neurosurgeon advised the pressure from the radiation treatment had caused swelling, putting extreme pressure on my optic nerve. My wife started packing to go back to Japan with our newborn daughter. One evening, she sat on the side of my bed and asked if I wanted to hear my daughter’s voice again.
My neurosurgeon had scheduled emergency surgery to put a shunt in my brain, and afterwardsI started feeling a bit better. The shunt drained cerebral spinal fluid from my brain, to lessen the pressure, and my vision returned.
However, the residual nerve discomfort and headaches remained. Doctors prescribed increasingly higher doses of Tylenol 3, Oxycodone, Percocet, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Demerol and then Morphine. In the end, the Morphine caused rebound headaches so they switched me to Methadone. By now, I was addicted to opioids. When I finally decided to get off the Methadone, it took me two attempts over three years, and ultimately the only way I prevailed was using medical marijuana to offset the severe withdrawal symptoms.
After the success of getting off opioids, I then set my sights on my weight. The corticosteroids had damaged my hips, and I had wound up on the hip replacement list. So, I focused on losing the weight I had gained. After shedding the weight, I still walked with a pronounced limp that would occasionally flare up and preclude walking anything but very short distances for weeks at a time.
Then, I found a very kind and thoughtful Chiropractor who spent almost two years working out a routine that got me off the hip replacement list, a routine which I practice still regularly today.
Now, the residual facial nerve pain and headaches had increased further, and so had my medical marijuana consumption. I went to see my neurosurgeon, he pulled out his prescription pad but instead of a prescription, instead wrote down the name of vitamins I could purchase at the local vitamin store. I later noticed he had suggested the same vitamins three years prior, and they hadn’t worked.
Exasperated, I decided to try acupuncture. Despite an encouraging initial forecast for a positive outcome, first the electroacupuncture and later the traditional acupuncture triggered the most severe nerve pain in me ever. I was left in writhing pain for several months. I have felt a fingertip-wide taser charge at trade shows, and the nerve pain in my face was like being tasered on my head all day long! Acupuncture had made my nerve pain significantly worse and now I was spending a lotof money on medical marijuana.
I went on to try several other alternative treatments to alleviate the pain. Then my Chiropractor suggested a QHHT session. Through QHHT, I discovered the karmic lessons of my past life and their connections to the purpose of this life. Those understandings gave me a different perspective on my condition. I began to view my situation as more of a challenge, a game, rather than a fight. Since discovering QHHT, and applying what I learnt in my sessions, my perception of my pain was altered. I learnt how to reorient my focus and awareness so my sensations of pain would abate. I discovered enthusiasm was a great painkiller. In particular, the headaches and the very worst of the nerve pain have decreased. My medical marijuana consumption has also decreased to almost zero.
As your QHHT practitioner, I understand extreme pain, and the many possible reasons for experiencing discomfort. While I appreciate the value of the mainstream medical industry, I have also experienced its limitations. QHHT provided me with an understanding of the origin of my pain. In my case, the past life traumas and the lessons of those traumas was connected to the purpose of this life. So far, QHHT has been the only treatment modality to put me in charge of decreasing my nerve pain. I now appreciate how to combine the understandings of a QHHT session with taking action on a personal level to combat discomfort. Now, as your QHHT practitioner, my aim is to convert my experience and understanding into facilitating a session you will benefit from