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Kurama Temple, Top Spiritual Hotspot, Kyoto Japan, July 2019
Kibune Shrine, starting point of hike to Kurama Temple
According to Japanese legend, a being from Venus (‘Mao-san’) descended here 6 million years ago.
According to Japanese legend, the deity 'Mao-san' incarnated into human form here. Also, Usui Mikao (1865-1926) downloaded the Reiki healing technique here. Now a meditation center.
Kurama Temple, Kyoto, Japan, July 2019
According to the Japanese, this sacred geometry is believed to be a portal.
Sacred Geometry. The six points are said to stand for the six ways we sense and interact with the world around us, as detailed in the Lotus Sutra. The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, body and heart. In front of the Main Hall.
According to Japanese legend, this meteorite landed here from Venus
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